Graduate Student Research Grants, FRGs, Grant Writing Incentive, GrantForward, funding alerts, and other funding resources.
Pre & Post - Award Resources to develop and maintain grants and contracts.
Contact RASP to get started today.
Tell us about your research interests.
A search engine dedicated to helping institutions and individuals find grants to fund their research.
From start to finish, RASP will support all phases of your project's lifecycle.
Access Grantforward and other grant searching tools, funding alerts, Faculty Research Grants and more.
Pre-Award, Post-Award, Budget Development and Contracts.
Current training opportunities, events, and workshops to improve your success with grant and contract development.
Forms for processing your funding request.
View the different policies associated with grant funding and contracts.
Make RASP your first contact for project funding.
Learn more about the Research and Sponsored Programs Department at Mankato State and our Mission.
University based Affinity Groups have significant impact both in what they accomplish as a team in terms of research, program development, grant and contract procurement; as well as in the professional growth and success of individual team members.