

Budget Worksheet Sample (updated 9/26/22)

Provided is a sample budget.

Direct Costs

Direct costs include anything that is directly attributed to a specific project. Examples include: salaries, fringe benefits, travel, materials, equipment and contractual.

Indirect Costs

Indirect costs or facilities and adminstration costs include expenses incurred by the University as a result of running sponsored projects. They are indirect because they are not readily identified or associated with a specific sponsored project or institutional function. Examples would be: lab and office space, building maintenance, library resources, administrative services such as payroll, utilities and academic/sponsored administration.

F&A explained

An explanation of financial and adminstrative (F&A) costs.

F&A Distribution Procedure by College

An explanation of the distribution of indirect costs as determined by individual colleges.

Budget Justification Sample 

Provided is a sample budget justification to assist with writting and formatting.