Posters at St. Paul

The Minnesota Undergraduate Scholars Posters at Saint Paul Event is a unique event that invites students from the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System to share their research and academic work with legislators and state government leaders. Each Spring, students are invited to the Rotunda at the Minnesota State Capitol Building to present their posters as part of an all day event. This process highlights the importance and excellence of undergraduate research to state legislators and helps state officials understand the importance of undergraduate research programs across the state. The event ends with a celebration of achievement for all students involved and opportunities to view the work of other students from different disciplines as well as other colleges and universities.

How do I present at this event?

Minnesota State University, Mankato students with exemplary presentations from the previous year's Undergraduate Research Symposium are nominated by their faculty mentors and the Director of the Undergraduate Research Center to participate in Posters at Saint Paul. Nominated students will be notified through email in the fall semester and will complete the application to submit necessary presentation materials (i.e. abstract, presenter biographies).

Nomination prodcedures for students outside of Minnesota State University, Mankato vary. Contact your university or college research center for more information. 

Submission Link for 2025 Event

Submit Abstract

2024 Posters at St. Paul Event 

Student presentations

Abstract Booklet