Finding Your Question or Interests

Looking to start research, but aren't sure where to begin?

Start with determining the kinds of topics and projects that might interest you.

Define your research interests and which subjects interest you most

Are there specific courses you've enjoyed more than others? Is there an area in your major that you didn't enjoy learning about and want to avoid? Consider favorite readings or lectures from classes. This information can help you determine what types of projects you might or might not enjoy working on.

Consider your goals for acquiring professional skills

Are there any skills or experiences you'd like to gain by participating in research? Would you like to learn a particular sculpting technique or method of data collection? Consider the types of projects that might help you learn these skills and be sure to talk to faculty in your department about projects that may help you do this.

Inquire about faculty members' research interests

Look at department websites and webpages for specific faculty members to see the kinds of work already being done in your department. Take note of projects or ideas that interest you and consider reaching out to faculty members to discuss their work.  Additionally, consider searching the University website for work being done in similar departments. Some students find that they are interested in projects outside of their department and find great success in taking an interdisciplinary approach to research.

Review previous projects from the URS and other student work exhibitions

Find examples of the type of projects undergraduate students have already done and are able to work on. You can view examples of MNSU student presentations at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium or other events on our website.

Need more help? Still can't find your research question? Email us at to schedule a meeting