Writing Guides

Grant Writing 

Grant Writing Resources by Library Services

This site offers texts, manuals, and tutorials to help you get started.

Writing Good Grants Proposals by Robert Porter

Why academics have a hard time writing good grant proposals.

The Essentials of Grant Proposal Development by CITI training

This professional development series aims to take the mystery out of grant writing by walking participants through the process with a step-by-step guide.  The course includes getting started in grant writing, finding and selecting funding opportunities, crafting a proposal development plan,creating a proposal narrative, understanding required proposal elements, preparing a budget, and more.

  • Modules provide in-depth discussion, videos, exercises, and other learning elements that breakdown the critical aspects of grant proposal development.
  • Focuses on a variety of funding sources, including the National Institutes of Health and National Science Fondation.

You can register here (for free!) through the University's subscription, create an account, and add the course to your portfolio.  If you have any questions, please contact Kristel Seth at kristel.seth@mnsu.edu

Proposal Writing Courses by Foundation Center

This free guide for developing partnerships with nonprofits or private organizations details each part of the proposal to help you build a network of funding.

3 Tips for Discussing Impact

This article includes excerpts from successful federal grant proposals.

Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal by Michigan State University

This guide constructed by a Ph.D. student at Michigan State gives writing hints and examples for each section of the proposal to ensure you're on the right track.

Introduction to Grant Writing by Purdue University

This quick guide offers advice on how to achieve specificity and clarity in your grant writing.

General Tips on Writing a Competitive Grant Proposal & Preparing a Budget by EPA

The U.S. Environment Protection Agency provides a resource for EPA grant seekers.

          Tips For a Successful Grant Application

          How to Develop a Budget

Grant Writing Tips by NIH

The National Institutes of Health provides links to preparing an NIH grant application.

Preparing a Proposal by NSF's Division of Undergraduate Education

The National Science Foundation offers steps for proposal writers in applying for undergraduate institution based grants.