Green Fire Film Screening

Monday, April 15, 2024
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Ostrander Auditorium, CSU

Attend a screening of the Emmy award-winning film Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time at Minnesota State University, Mankato as part of the Earth Month Celebration. A film discussion led by Matthew Kaproth, MSU Biology Professor, and Jim Vonderharr and Henry Panowitsch from the Prairie Enthusiasts will follow the film.

Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time is the first full-length documentary film made about the life of conservationist and author Aldo Leopold. This film explores Leopold’s life experiences as he builds a ‘land ethic’ and visits key people and places which influenced his perspective. This term was coined in his writing of A Sand County Almanac and promotes actions that are considerate and inclusive of human, animal, plant, soil, and water health. The filmmakers connect Leopold’s concepts to modern efforts and encourage thought around the value of a land ethic.

The post-film discussion will allow space for individuals to share their perspectives and discuss the land ethic ideology in connection to modern conservation efforts.

Parking: After 6:30pm, limited free parking is available near Centennial Student Union in Lots 4a6, and 11a. Closer parking is available in the Visitor Paylot for a fee.

This event is open to current MSU students, faculty, staff, and the general public in an effort to promote sustainability, equity, education, and wellness in the outdoors.


Madison Vandersee