2025 Southern Minnesota Conference on Psychology
Thursday, April 10, 2025
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
CSU South Ballroom
The 2025 SMCP theme is "Recognizing Skills for Success."
Additional information for SMCP 2025:
- This year’s conference is student-focused with speakers and panelists in the morning describing how the skills they learned studying psychology here at Minnesota State University, Mankato have prepared them for their careers.
- A lunch will be provided for attendees. During lunch, there will be a short ceremony celebrating Psychology students and faculty, and other department accomplishments.
- In the afternoon, students will present their research in a poster session, along with additional break-out groups, a panel, and psychology demonstrations. Attendees will be able to learn more about psychology and undergraduate research in these interactive and hands-on sessions.
Interested individuals can register for the Southern Minnesota Conference on Psychology 2025 using the following link.
Karla Lassonde